This page started on  updates will post here. 

So called Investor left message @ 12:31 p.m. on May 22,2023- sounding like a drunk person. Hi this is Omar Reed,I'm calling about your property there at 2591 Lee Road.  My Brother and I are looking to purchase another property here and I was hoping to find one that I could put some work into,I'm reday to purchase now and we can close quickly for you and if you know of someone who has a property for sale that need some work even if it needs a lot of work when we purchase the property we'll pay you a finders fee of $2500 for every property If you have any questions for me feel free to reach out to us at 216-714-1065


Wednesday,May 17,2023 

Text Message from so called investor Veronica 216--260-9596 @12:29p.m. Princess,I came aross your address at 2591 Lee Road and want to ask about it. Would you sell? I am ready to negogiate a deal for it. lmk Veronica


05/ 07/2023

Akron neighbors worry for saftey after squatters breack into empy house.

This is the real  reason,why I'm under attack someone wants to come and squatt,  they know the law, their purpose in life is to slide around communities lurking for empty houses to take over. 


Per UWM the reason for my "delayed" foreclosure is because they need to follow   guidelines,funny they didn't follow city guidelines when the loan was executed. 


April 21,2023

 So called investor "Princess,How do feel about getting rid of 2591 Lee Rd? We're the right people for you. " from phone number 330-946-5095


 In the meantime I'm packing up my household  and making plans to relocate out of the state of OHIO. 

Report depicts UWM culture  as hostile:lender disputes portrayal.

Over the past three years, I give UWM a "F" in customer service, they take a month to respond to an inquiry unless it's about payment updates,insurance changes anything that pays them money is answered promptly. No other bank I have delt with drags out foreclosure.

Coincidently, while I'm waiting  aisde from text messages and phone calls I am now receiving letters/ post cards, in the mail to transfer my loan or purchase my property. The bank who contacted me claimed they are not affiliated with UWM. Foreclosure cost banks money to process they would prefer to sell at a loss than paay for foreclosure ,one reason it becomes a public document. Having to many foreclosure will raise red flags. 

While UWM and others claim this is not mortgage fraud , the actions taken by the professionals transferring  the property showed they failed to disclose a pertinant document  and repairs that resulted in personal gain for them and a loss for the homeowner. 



Q. Why don't Cuyahoga County Foreclosure sales  accept CREDIT UNION CHECKS?

As of April 02,2023 United Wholesale Mortgage, has not   started the foreclosure, I am 19 months in default, seven months after the pandemic  forebearance ended. 



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