The Making of a Tax Slave

The first version, about the making of a  tax slave started on, the article was posted in 2020, after discovering the  alleged mortgage fraud. 

The second version, about the making of a tax slave started on ,after I filed my property tax dispute, articles  posted from  March 10,2022 to March 13,2023, include, but not limited to. property taxes , Cuyahoga Board of Revisions and Appeal decisions. 

Future tax disputes and related information  will post on this page.


May 07,2023

The 18 homes in the 2500-2600 block of Lee Road no one protested their taxes in 2020 , 2021 and 2022. I was the only one that protested my taxes in 2021 and 2022.   Prior to 2020 homeowners on this block  were  disputing their taxes .  I refuse to pay these highway robbery taxes,the bank has paid the taxes. 

Another coincidence occured  for the 2021 tax year everyone on the block except 2599 Lee Road and myself received a tax reduction.  It  just so happened that the homeowners are People of Color (so called African Americans ,Black).

This is a random sample of property taxes in Cuyahoga County could this possibly be happening across Cuyahoga County? It happpened in Detroit homeowners were over taxed for years . People lost their homes and no compensation was paid for their home lost.   High property taxes  cause homeowners to foreclose or sell to investors. 

ADDRESS * tax year 2020 * tax year 2021* tax year 2022


2585 Lee Road * $6,396.78 * $5,989.30 * $6,108.06

Tax year 2021 reduced by $407.48 and increased in tax year 2022 by $118.76   Owner occupied ,homestead reduction.


2591 Lee Road * $4,279.38 * $6,230.56 * $6,945.94

Tax year 2021 value increased  from the 2020 sale  for  ($232,500), to  $1,950.73  county value $216,700, tax year 2022  increased  by  $587.32  county value $232,500.  Financial ruins was allegedly anticipated by all who were involved in the transfer. Failure to disclosed the POSI  created this snowball effect. There was no way my income was going to make the payments and repair the property. 

 There is a pending adjustment of $587.32 for tax year 2021 changed value to $232,500 after BOR APPEAL* Homestead reduction (military exemption)  $50K is exempt, property is taxed on a value of $182,500 Veteran owner occupied, waiting  on BOR hearing for  2022.


2599 Lee Road * $10,326.62 *$10,494.90* $10,727.44

Tax year 2021 increased by $168.28 and tax year 2022 increased by $232.54 Property went on the market October 18, 2022  @ $359,900 reduced to $335K on February 09,2023 ,pending sale as of April 05,2023  owner occupied ,no homestead reductions.


2605 Lee Road * $6,296.54 *$5,871.18*$5986.88

Tax year 2021 reduction of $425.36 increased tax year 2022 by $115.70.  Property has no homestead reduction nor owner occupied. Lowest taxed property on the block How they do that???????


2615 Lee Road *$11,101.09  *$10,362.86 * $10,553.02

Tax year 2021 reduced by $738.23 and increased by $190.16 for tax year 2022. Owner occupied ,no homestead reduction.


2627 Lee Road * $10,086.80* $9,429.90 * $9,625.46

Tax year 2021 reduced by $656.90 and increased by $195.56 Owner occupied, homestead reduction.


2629 Lee Road * $8,510.42 *$11,437.25 *$10,152.55

Tax year 2021 increased by $2,926.83 reduced by  

$1284.70  tax year 2022.  Property had a payment plan for $1,949.97 from  tax year 2020 to 2021. Owner occupied, no homestead reduction


2637 Lee Road *$11,009.38 * $10,264.04 *$10,477.22

Tax year 2021 reduced by $745.34 and increased by $213.18 tax year 2022. Property listed for sale @ $385K October 11,2022 sold for $336K on January 06,2023.

Owner occupied ,no homestead reduction


2645 Lee Road * $11,598.60 * $10,711.32 *$10,933.92

Tax year 2021 reduced by $886.80 and increased by $222.60 in tax year 2022. Owner occupied, no homestead reduction.


2628 Lee Road* $9,825.68 *$9,161.56 *$9,351.46

Tax year 2021 reduced by $664.12 increased by$189.90 in tax year 2022. Owner occupied ,no homestead reduction.


2624 Lee Road * $15,098.33 *$14,659.10 *$14,037.63

Tax year 2021 reduced by $439.23 and reduced by $621.47. Owner occupied, homestead reduction. Property taxes past due  2019 and 2020.  Property went on the market December 14,2021 @ $349K sold August 19,2022 @ $280K.


2618 Lee Road * $8,173.80 *$7,679.44 *$7,838.04

Tax year 2021 reduced by $494.36 increased by $158.60 tax year 2022. Owner occcupied, homestead reduction. 


2608 Lee Road * $10,674.62*$9,955.16 *$10,161.80

Tax year 2021 reduced by $719.46 increased by 

$206.64 tax year  2022. Owner occupied, no homestead reduction.


2600 Lee Road *$8,255.44 * $7,701.28 *$7,860.36

Tax year 2021 reduced by $554.16 increased by $159.08 tax year 2022. Owner occupied, no homestead reduction ?  How they do that?


2592 Lee Road *$10,223.70 *$9,532.88 *$9,730.60

Tax year 2021 reduced by $690.82 increased by  $197.72 tax year 2022. Owner occupied,no homestead reduction. _________________________________________________________

2584 Lee Road *$10,042.68 * $9363.50 * $9549.98

Tax year 2021 reduced by  $679.18 and increased  by $186.48 tax year 2022. Not owner occupied,  no homestead reduction. ________________________________________________________

2572 Lee Road *$11,334.92 *$10,569.86 * $10,789.46

Tax year 2021 reduced by $765.06 and increased by 

$219.60 tax year 2022. Owner occupied, no homestead reduction. ___________________________________________________________

2566 Lee Road *$11,928.49 * $$11,028.54 *$11,820,71

Tax year 2021 reduced by  $899.95 increased by $792.17

Owner occupied, no homestead reductions. 

Highest taxed property on the block.


Central Ohio homeowners fight back as thousands of property values hit historic highs 

If you don't protest your taxes they will keep on taxeing your @@@. Take a stand.

All Rights reserved  2023 and beyond.