This page started on  posohio.org/wildlife.html  future updates will post here. Rest assure you will never see one of the local nasty ugly varmites  on this website, all pictures and video are for content on social media. Keep sending the content  and I will report the sightings. 

 When you look at the sitings below  it's not consistent with a wild animal. Wildlife would come out everyday forging for food and running about  properties. It's springtime wildlife have came out of hibernation, most have pups  to feed and need to forge for food.  Wildlife cannot survive as a loner unless someone is feeding them and keeping them as pets. 

It is my belief there are several animal hoarders, supporters  in close proximty  conspiring with local animal control business,and a  farm that are relocating,breeding and training wildlife to force myself and those who are not within their circle out of the community and bring property values down by releasing wildlife on this block. 

In addition there are domesticated felines that are sent to cross my front steps and walk around my property. I believe the felines and wildlife have collar cameras /recording devices based on their movement on my property. I found  such a device on the Internet showing pet owners using this device to monitor their pet's movement  and it is also a tracking device in case the annimal strays away. 

Due to the constant alleged prowling around the property controlled release of wildlfe onto my property  I have increased  my  home security. 

Anyone  that wish to file a lawsuit, against me ,for reporting the TRUTH, I have videos and photos to support my sightings, go right ahead ,let's make it  a public  court document. 

Groundhog(GH)  Skunk(SK) Possum (PM) Raccoon(RC)

Saturday,July 15,2023 

Note: a person was walking north bound on Lee Road  the night light inside 2592 Darthmoor Road  was  turned off @ 12:13 a.m. From 12:08 a.m.  to 5:14 a.m. at least three RC ran around my backyard setting off the motion lights, ran back and forth to my porch and climbed the fence or rather leaped onto the fence walked on top of the fence as if under control. 

The RC came and  returned to 2585 Lee Rad, 2592 Dartmoor and 2599 Lee Road. 

In my opinion the RC were released on my backyard to create a reaction that would have police on my property .  I believe the RC were packed up and returned to the farm or out of the community.  If there was a RC problem they would have opened or pushed over my trash can that had trash/food scraps in it. The RC


Friday,July14,2023 GH ran from under 2585 Lee Road porch  around to the back yard. 


Thursday,July 14,2023  After I processed a dead tree that fell in the back yard with my chainsaw ,around 3:13 p.m. GH ran from 2585 Lee Road under porch. 

After I left the kitchen @ 4:22 p.m.  and retreated upstairs a GH ran from under 2585 Lee Road porch. 

@ 6:02 p.m. GH ran across the front steps from 2585 Lee Road.

Later GH  came from the side gate 2599 Lee yard around 7:02 p.m. was in the backyard for almost ten minutes jumpimg up and down as if under command.

Note while clearing the tree debris dsicovered a larg log laying near  the fence  at vacant house on Dartmoor Road to either stand or sit on with a stick to activate my motion lights. 


Wednesday,July12,2023 @ 12:37 p.m. GH ran from 2585 Lee Road porch down my driveway then down the side yard  and aroound the fence in the rear driveway that I mowed the day prior as if under command. 


Tuesday,July 11,2023  @ 3:16 p.m. GH crossed my front steps came from 2585 Lee Road to 2599 Lee Road after I mowed/sprayed  the side and rear yard.  ________________________________________________________

Monday, July 10,2023 GH ran across my steps after finished mowing the front yard @ 1:27 p.m. 

Yard  cutter "mowed" 2585 Lee Road blew grasscutting in my driveway  around 2:29p.m. yard cutting.

10:01p.m.  skunk  crossed the street to walk down my front sidewalk and  go to 2599 Lee Road. 

Note: while mowing  wildlife  control was vsiting 2599 Lee Road.  Coincidently, the driver of the critter control truck left when I was mowing near the sidewalk . 


Sunday,July 09 ,2023 @ 2585 Lee Road 6:35 a.m. and 7:37 a.m. side yard. _______________________________________________________

Friday, July 07,2023 @ 7:13 a.m. dog urinated on sign pole followed by couple with stroller and dog.

1:50 p.m. and 2:05 p.m. dogs urnated on pole 

GH @ 8:05 p.m. front yard grazing .


Tuesday,July 04,2023  @1:30 a.m. PM ran along  front yard from 2599 Lee Road


Friday,June 30,2023  @ 10:21 p.m.  from 2585 Lee Road to 2599 Lee Road  PM crossed my yard. 

Also note dogwalker  and someone on a bike were in the area around that time. 


Wednesday ,June 28,2023 GH ran back and forth from 2585 Lee Road side porch to my driveway as if under command from 6:20 p.m. to 7:39 p.m. 


Tuesday,June 27,2023 @ 12:51a.m. possum came from 2599 Lee Road back yard and returned to that yard. as if under command.


Monday, June 26,2023 between 11:16 p.m. -11:27 p.m. walked southbound and returned north bound on Lee Road . 

This seems to be a trend with the male neighbhor two doors north whenever I place my trash or leaf bags out on the curb he brings his dog to sniff my trash can and leaf bags. I reviewed my past footage this neighbor makes it a habit to bring their dog to my trash can for a sniff. I recall placing my can out late one night  ,in the month of April 2023  , within minutes of me coming into the house, two men had their dogs sniffing my can, one was the neighbor two doors north the other unknown.



Sunday,June 25,2023 @ 2:47 p.m.  Caucasian female neighbor two doors north confrontation,  while I was mowing the front yard. Everytime I mow this neighbor bolts out the house with their dog when I reach the sidewalk to make me stop mowing, so they  can pass by. On this day, I let the neighbor know I was not stopping my mowing and cease waving at me as I have no intent of wanting to know them. 

 This is also one of the dogs that urinates on the hillside by my driveway. She then tried to get her dog to urinate on the tree line which was fine because that's city property. This appears to be some joke with other  Caucasian neighbors as they tend to walk pass when I mow.  My opinion, is supported by the  survelliance footage of when I have  mowed or worked in the front yrad  and when other neighbors  mow/work in  their front yards within camerea view. 


Saturday,June 24,2023 @ 9:41 a.m dog urinates 

 6:09 p.m two GH ran across my steps from 2585 Lee Road to 2599 Lee Road. 


Friday,June 23,2023 two GH ran fro 2585 Lee Road across my yard to 2599 Lee Road. 


Thurdsay, June 22,2023 @1:49 p.m whil 2585 Lee Road yard was being mowed GH ran back and forth around the porch. Dog urinate @ 9: 13p.m. corner of driveway. 

Yard cutter "mowed" 2585 Lee Road  left grass clippings in my driveway. 


Wednesday,June 21,2023 GH ran across my front steps from 2585 Lee Road to 2599 Lee Road. 


Tuesday, June 20,2023 @8:07 p.m. GH on 2585 Lee Road grazing after I placed ant repellant  on my yard.  


Saturday ,June 17,2023 dog unrinate  @ 7:11 a.m

Friday, June 16,2023 dog urinate @ 5:42 p.m.

Thursday, June 15,2023 dog unrinate 6:13 a.m.

Note: In an effort to get me to publish my website dogowners were allowing their dogs to urinate at the corner of my driveway while they started into the camera. 


Wednesday,June 14,2023 @ 728 p.m. 2585 Lee Road side yard.  9:50 p.m. RC back yard


Sunday ,June 11,2023 @ 8:41 a.m. grazing on 2585 Lee Roa yard  ______________________________________________________

Saturday,June 10,2023 @7:58 a.m. GH from 2585 Lee Road porch  ran across my front steps to 2599 Lee Road backyard.  ______________________________________________________

Friday ,June 09,2023 @ 6:33 p.m. and 6:36 p.m. GH ran from 2585 Lee Road to my trailer then to 2599 Lee Road backyard.


Sunday, June 05,2023  @ 11:16 p.m. RC back yard ___________________________________________________

Saturday ,June 04,2023 @ 12:59 a.m. two racons climbing over back yard fence  from 2599 Lee Road ,1:42 a.m. RC  ______________________________________________________

Friday , June 03,2023 @ 4:26 a.m and 5:00 a.m. back yard  ,11:12 a.m.  GH side ,11:23 a.m. GH backyard 


Thursday ,June 02,2023 @ 12:06 a.m. SK from 2585 Lee Road to 2599 , 1:39 a.m. two taccoons backyard  ______________________________________________________

Wednesday, June 01,2023 @ 11:52 p.m. and 11:54 p.m.

Note: Dogwalker 11:55 p.m.


Tuesday,May30,2023 @ 2:22 a.m Sk  Gh @ 5:12 p.m 5:14 pm  in front yrad of 2585 Lee Road while I placed trash on curb. 


Monday,May 29,2023 @ 1:56 a.m. RC backyard came from 2599 Lee Road and left the same way. 

2:07 a.m. SK front yard came from 2599 Lee Road  crossed my yard to 2585  Lee Road yard. 

9:40 p.m. SK came from 2599 Lee Road dug around my front yard and went to 2585 Lee Road bushes/porch.


Sunday May 28,2023 @ 4:56 a.m Two RC in my backyard climbing fence came from 2599 Lee Road backyard. 

5:07 a.m on RC going under fence to 2599 Lee Road.

Note: I mowed thefront yard and sprayed around the property.


Saturday,May 27,2023 @12:00 a.m. to 1:44 a.m. Sk ran around my front yard digging leaving  my yard to disappear on 2585 Lee Road yard. 

11:17 a.m. GH came from unerd 2585 Lee Road porch. ran back and forth to my driveway ran on my basement wells  until 11:44 a.m. rand across my yard to 2599 Lee Road. 

Note 2585 Lee Road yard guy was cutting the front yard. 

_______________________________________________________ Friday, May 26,2023 @ 12:03 a.m. 12:14 a.m. 1:32a.m. RC  ran back and forth from 2599 Lee Road back yard. 

2:11 a.m. SK front yard from 2599 Lee Road back yard to my front yard to 2585 Lee Road yard. 

9:56 p.m. SK ran from 2599 Lee Road across my yard to 2585 Lee Road. Two SK on on the side of 25 85 Lee Raod and one in  my front yard digging 10:04 p.m.,11:17p.m. 11;39 p.m. 

Note: Dog walker walked south on Lee Road @9:54 p.m turned around came back walking north on Lee Road @ 9:57 p.m. while SK was  my front yard dog did not bark or get spooked by a SK,most dogs when they see a SK will jump or bark. 


Wednesday,May 24,2023 @11:09 backyard RC

Note: 10:17 p.m. a trespasser posing as a delivery driver came upom ,y sidewalk. The driver parked in front of 2599 Lee Road with lights flashing the driver pulled in the center lane in front of my house with flashing lights. As the driver walked upon my property he/she acted as if they weere at the wrong address turned around. 

 I watched the driver walk pass 2599 Lee Road at the same time the dog walker was walking their dog northbound passed the driver on the sidewalk. The driver came back to 2599 Lee Road using the north side driveway. The driver came down the southside of the driveway. backed into 2599 Lee Road and went northbound on Lee Road.

Minutes later a visitor came to 2585 Lee Road and stayed in the garage area  for a few minutes  before entering the house. Minutes later my motion lights on the rear  side near 2599 Lee Road started flashing. This went on for 15 minutes before a RC appeared in the back yard. 


Tuesday,May 23,2023 @5:36 a.m. SK came from 2585 Lee Road crossed my steps to 2599 Lee Road. 

@7:39 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. GH ran from 2585 Lee Roadporch/yard back and forth in my driveway. 

Note: I left to run errands around  8:30 a.m. when I saw the GH running back under the porch. I was downstair in the kitchen for about an hour prior to running errands.


 Monday,May 22,2023 @ 1:15 p.m. to 1:34 p.m. GH ran back and forth to 2585 front porch into my basement wells as if under command.

Note: 10:37 a.m. to 10:50 a.m. I cleaned the basement wells windows of  leaves. At 1:06 p.m. 2585 Lee Road had a visitor who visited for about an hour or more.  There is no vegetation on the side of my yard and any weeds have been sprayed. The GH have never went inside the basement wells only walked on top of the basement wells. 

So called Investor left message @ 12:31 p.m. on May 22,2023- sounding like a drunk person. Hi this is Omar Reed,I'm calling about your property there at 2591 Lee Road.  My Brother and I are looking to purchase another property here and I was hoping to find one that I could put some work into,I'm reday to purchase now and we can close quickly for you and if you know of someone who has a property for sale that need some work even if it needs a lot of work when we purchase the property we'll pay you a finders fee of $2500 for every property If you have any questions for me feel free to reach out to us at 216-714-1065


Sunday,May 21,2023 @ 12:03 a.m. to 1: 07 a.m. RC two of them running around my backyard setting off motion lights climbing the fence came from 2599 Lee Road back yard.


Saturday ,May 20,2023 @ 12:00 a.m. to 12:10 a.m. RC was in my backyard.


Thursday ,May 18,2023 SK @ 3:39 a.m. and 3:42 a.m. stayed on 2585 front side yard.


Wednesday,May 17,2023 SK @12:19 a.m.front yard  ,12:31 a.m. side and 6:22 a.m. ran from 2585 Lee Road crossed my steps to 2599 Lee Road.

Note: Text Message from so called investor Veronica 216--260-9596 @12:29p.m. Princess,I came aross your address at 2591 Lee Road and want to ask about it. Would you sell? I am ready to negogiate a deal for it. lmk Veronica


Sunday,May 14,2023 GH @6:31 a.m. came from front yard 2599 Lee Road @ 6:37 a.m. GH came from 2585 Front yard. 


Saturday ,May 13,2023 SK @3:34 a.m.  came from the sidewalk /driveway of 2599 Lee Road to my front yard. 


Tuesday,May 09,2023 SK was running back and forth from 2585 Lee road to my driveway front yardmsteps the one SK was joined by another SK starting at 12:07 a.m.,12:5-0 a.m.,3:23 a.m.3:39a.m.,3:52 a.m.,3:53 a.m.,5:14 a.m.,6:12 a.m.,6:17 a.m., 6:18 a.m. the Sk ran to 2599 Lee Road back yard. 

GH coming from 2585 front yard 7:13 a.m. GH 7:56 a.m ran from 2599 Lee Road 7:59 a.m. ran back to 2585 Lee Road

1:56 p.m. Dog walker dog unrinated on side of driveway.


Monday ,May 08,2023 SK 9:48 p.m. side driveway 1039 side 2585 Lee Road  backyard

Note: dog walker 10:35 p.m.  and 10:43p.m. 


May 07,2023

Neighbors were stunned when police discovered the real reason for the stench in the neighbor’s house.

If you smell a stench coming from a house you should be concerned . Did anyone call about the stench or the hoard of GH on 2591 Lee Road? Nope, and that is why the hoard continue to grow. 

  In my experience ,when I smell a stench from a house ,there is a corpse,dead animals ,animal hoarding or it's a hoarder's house. 


Raccoon Terroize neighbors


Sunday,May 07,2023 @ 9:28 a.m.,6:35p.m.,7:05p.m.,7:26 p.m.,7:34p.m.,7:42p.m. GH ran back and forth from under the porch of 2585 Lee Road down my driveway and  into my front yard, as if under command.

Note: @ 9:00 a.m. I was in the kitchen @ 5:02 p. m. I finished mowing the front yard @ 6:30 p.m. I was in the kitchen.


Saturday,May 06,2023 @ 3:13 p.m. GH came from 2599 Lee Road crossed my front yard to 2585 Lee Road porch.

6:10p.m.,6:23p.m. and 6:53 p.m. GH  ran back and forth under my truck and yard then back under the porch or bushes of 2585 Lee Road.  It's mowing season , the GH  is digging up the same area. 

Note: 05/06/2023 Sabbath day * Truck parked in the driveway/


Friday,May 05,2023  GH 4:35 p.m.  and 4:40 p.m.came from under 2585 front porch to my driveway ran back under porch .   6:35 p.m.  GH came over started digging grazing .ran up onmy steps to the back yard of 2599 Lee Road.

Note: 4:35 p.m. and 6:35 p.m. I was in the kitchen, by the time I came upstairs the GH came out ,my vehicle was parked in the driveway and its a Friday. In addition, 2599 Lee Road property sold . 


Thursday,May 4,2023 @ 1:12 a.m. and 1:33 a.m.SK front yard 2585 Lee Road appearerd drunk. ran back under the bushes/porch.


Friday, April 28,2023 @ 4:55 a.m. what appeared to be a  drunken SK was on the front yard of 2585 Lee Road. @5:12 a.m ran across to my steps and encountered the waste can turned around  ran down my driveway tried to get in the back gate but I have placed a barricade of bricks in front of the opening, ran back to the front at top speed around the trash can to 2599 Lee Road back yard. 

NOTE:  I mowed the back yard on 4/26 ,placed wood barricades  along the fence to fill the holes dug out by wildlife  and sprayed along the driveway for weeds. On 4/27, I mowed the front yard it never fails that when I mow here comes the releasing of rodents. 


Monday,April 24,2023 @ 5:08p.m. groundhog exit from under 2585 porch came to my driveway, ran back under the porch.  This was prior to setting out my trash on the curb. 

NOTE: On 4/24 @6:04 p.m. I placed a brick barricade by the fence to stop the rodents from coming through the chainlink fence in the  back yard preparing for the summer bull ****. Both of my chainlink gates have brick barricades.


Sunday,April 23,2023 @8:23 a.m. groundhog exit 2585 Lee Road porch crosses my driveway ran at top speed to 2599 Lee Road back yard. 

NOTE: In the kitchen  @ 8:00 a.m. cooking. 


Saturday, April 22,2023 @ 1:53 p.m.  a groundhog ran at top speed  an from under the porch of 2585 Lee Road across my front sidewalk to 2599 Lee Road back yard. 

NOTE: Sabbath Day 4/22 /2023 


Friday, April 21,2023 ran from the back yard of 2599 Lee Road 6:53 p.m. ran at top speed across my yard under the front porch of 2585 Lee Road.  

NOTE: 4/19 Mowed my front yard .   No response to idiot investor "Princess,How do feel about getting rid of 2591 Lee Rd? We're the right people for you. " from phone number 330-946-5095 . 


Monday, April 17,2023 @10:50 a.m. come from under the front porch  of 2585 Lee Road ran up on the back porch of 2585 Lee Road. ran down the steps crossed my driveway ,ran around the back yard like it was crazy then under the fence into 2599 Lee Road backyard .

NOTE: 4/17 @10:55 p.m. I  placed the trash out on the curb removed my yard decorations , minutes later a dog walker walked southbound turned around came back walked northbound  dog appeared to be sniffing my trashcan. Another person walking north bound  was on a cell phone as if they were confirming I removed my decorations or to see if I was still outside. 


Tuesday, April 16,2023 @ 7:00 p.m. groundhog ran from  side of property back to front porch.

NOTE: Decorations on the yard


Friday,April 14,2023 @ 9:30 a.m. groundhog comes from under the porch, cross my driveway and plays on my basement window wells ,while I'm cooking in the kitchen again spotted on the property next door at 6:35 p.m. and 7:44 p.m. both times retreated under the porch.  Aapparently the skunks and the groundhogs are roomates. 

NOTE:  I am cooking in the kitchen @ 8:00 a.m. -11:00 a.m.  Neighbor called Fire Department  @ 12:30 p.m.  Decorations on the yard.


Thursday, April 13,2023 @1:56 p.m. groundhog plays on the property line.

NOTE: Decorations on the yard


Wednesday,April 12,2023 around 2:00 a.m. one month to the date of the last skunk appearance on Macrh 12,2023.

The big @@@ skunk came from the front of 2585 Lee Road front yard went down the side stayed on the side for 15 minutes ,digging ,acting like it was drunk,  ran across my driveway , turned around and ran back to the front of 2585 Lee Road  front yard either in the bush or under the porch.  

NOTE: Decoration on yard for HOLY Days


April 04,2023

Deputies forced to shoot an aggressive Zebra that nearly bit off a man's arm.    Man always trying to domesticate a wild animal and then kill them when they are doing what they do naturally. 

Exotic cat found in Ohio tests positive for cocaine.  Hopefully they find the dope dealer body and their stash. 

Hoarders 17 dogs and five cats some very difficult decisions to make.  Hoarding  animals is a serious mental illness. 

RSCPCA go after hoarder of 40 rabbits in awful conditions.  You will be amazed how elaborate hoarders can get with hoarding animals. 

All Rights reserved  2023 and beyond. 
